We Are All Treaty People

Treaties Recognition Week: Day 2

  • Published - 24/05/2023
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  • Posted By - OTC
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This week we are recognizing the importance of Treaties in Saskatchewan and each day we are walking you through the Treaty timeline: Before Treaty; At Treaty; After Treaty; and Today.

Treaties are to ensure the peaceful relations and continued livelihood of both parties – the Indigenous people and the Newcomers.  Treaties are the foundational building blocks of Canada.  Each nation had a responsibility to uphold the terms of Treaty.  Upon agreement, the Indigenous Chiefs/Leaders assumed their way of life would be protected, but this all changed with the Government’s implementation of the Indian Act. 

Treaty Commissioner Mary Musqua-Culbertson speaks about the time when Treaties were created in this video message.


We also have messages from the students of Grade 5 Class at École Lumsden Elementary


We have resources for students in:

Primary Grades
Alex Shares His Wampum Belt
We Are All Treaty People

Middle Grades
Treaty Relationships – A Reading

Secondary Grades
The OTC Treaty Video – A Solemn Undertaking

and the General Public
Treaties with Indigenous Peoples in Canada, Explained