We Are All Treaty People




OTC National Indigenous Peoples Day 2020

  • June 21, 2020 11 am - 2 pm
  • Online

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Join us on our Facebook page for a virtual livestream for National Indigenous Peoples Day.

National Indigenous People's Day is a day to recognize and honour the history, cultures, diversity, resiliency, and achievements of the Indigenous Peoples. It is a day of celebration and praise for our Treaty partners whom have occupied these territories since time immemorial.

The Office of the Treaty Commissioner is committed to ensuring the Saskatchewan public is aware of their identity as a Treaty person, the roles and responsibilities associated, as well as the identities of the Treaty partners. This includes an understanding and awareness of the Indigenous Treaty partners cultures and worldviews, which we will commit to by hosting a virtual showcase on June 21st 2020 for National Indigenous People's Day.

Join us as we bring together artists and cultural supports from across the province to take part in a celebration of our Indigenous Treaty partners.