OTC selects new logo
- Published - 06/12/2019
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- Posted By - OTC
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When the Office of the Treaty Commissioner decided to update the logo as we marked our 30th anniversary, we decided to look to the future of Saskatchewan - youth.
We sent a call for entries to all schools in the province and received well more than 100 entries.
“It was very difficult to pick the winner because there were so many amazing entries,” said Trish Greyeyes, OTC executive director.
Tiegan, 18, from Medstead School had her design selected to be the next logo.
“We were impressed with Tiegan’s entry not only because of how beautiful the drawing was, but her written submission. To us, her written submission was moving because she talked about the spirit and intent of Treaty,” Greyeyes said.
In her entry Tiegan wrote, “I drew all of these things because they are all part of First Nations culture.”
She wrote about the medicine wheel around the whole picture because it represents spiritual, emotional, physical and mental needs. She included sweet grass because through smudging it purifies body and soul and clarifies the mind. She talked about Treaties lasting as long as the grass grows, the river flows and the sun shines.
“The feather I drew because it symbolizes, truth, honour, strength, wisdom, power and freedom.”
We are so excited to have the logo to take us into the future of the office