We Are All Treaty People

Reconciliation Flag Raising in Saskatoon

  • Published - 29/05/2018
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  • Posted By - OTC
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On Tuesday, May 29, Reconciliation Saskatoon raised their flag at the City of Saskatoon.

This annual event marks the lead up to Rock Your Roots, Walk for Reconciliation, that happens in Saskatoon on National Indigenous People’s Day, June 21.

Harry Lafond, executive director of of the Office of the Treaty Commissioner was among the speakers celebrating the day. He spoke to the importance of coming together to dance, visit, eat, and sing.

“All very visible ways of expressing a connectedness and that what Reconciliation is about. It’s important for us, as we go forward, to remember that and to give voice to what it is we believe about ourselves as a community,” he said.

“To move always towards a better society, a society that believes in the worth of each and every one of its citizens.”

Powwow dancers kicked off the event, and jigging part way through had participants on their feet.

“Reconciliation to me is about diversity and inclusiveness,” said Shirley Isbister, president of Central Urban Métis Federation Inc.

Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nation’s chief Bobby Cameron spoke also.

“Respect is Reconciliation, addressing racism is Reconciliation, but most of all Reconciliation is action,” he said.

“Let’s put our hands in the middle and see where that takes us together towards a better future,” Saskatoon mayor Charlie Clark said.

Residential school survivor, Elder Frank Badger shared his story and thanked people for gathering in the name of Reconciliation. 60s scoop survivor Betty Ann Adam had a message for others looking to return to their culture.

“Want to send a message out far and wide, come back, come back, you are welcome in the circle,” she said.


See media coverage of the flag raising here:
Community leaders gather at Saskatoon city hall to raise reconciliation flag

'We are making a difference here': Reconciliation flag raised again at city hall 

Reconciliation flag raised at Saskatoon city hall

Reconciliation Flag Raised at City hall