Second annual Rock Your Roots, Walk for Reconciliation
- Published - 23/06/2017
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- Posted By - OTC
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This year marked the second for the Rock Your Roots, Walk for Reconciliation and the momentum continues to grow.
At about 9:30 a.m., June 21, National Aboriginal Day, Saskatoon’s Victoria Park began filling with people, and the excitement grew as more and more people joined in.
“To see so many diverse people come out to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day was very encouraging,” said Rhett Sangster, Director Reconciliation, Community Partnerships for the Office of the Treaty Commissioner.
“I think it demonstrates that we're moving in the right direction.”
At the War of 1812 monument, there were traditional dancers and drummers giving a feeling of the community the day honours.
Teedly Linklater was drumming and singing as she led the walk. She spoke with CBC Saskatoon during the event
"All my ancestors, my grandparents I wish they were here to see, to be a part of this truth and reconciliation," she said to them.
Thousands of people walked together for Reconciliation and they were supported by groups providing music and dancing.
“It was a wonderful celebration. A celebration honouring survivors, a celebration honouring Indigenous cultures and a celebration of all of our ancestors and our shared future together,” Sangster said.
“It was a chance for people in Saskatoon who don't necessarily know each other very well to interact and learn and start to build relationships.”
When the walk was over, people spilled onto the grass at Victoria Park surrounded by tipis and activities, said Reconciliation Saskatoon’s Carrie Catherine.
“A favourite moment came when CUMFI President Shirley Isbister and Mayor Charlie Clark talked about the possibility of renaming that park of Victoria Park Reconciliation Circle,” she said.
“We were reminded that beyond the moment of just walking together, there is real action being taken by members of our community and leaders working towards reconciliation. “