Statement from the OTC
- Published - 01/11/2022
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- Posted By - OTC
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The Office of the Treaty Commissioner is pleased to congratulate Cathy Merrick on being elected as Grand Chief for the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs.
It’s the first time a woman has been elected to lead the Manitoba Chiefs – an advocacy group that represents 62 of 63 First Nations. Merrick is from northern Manitoba where she is a councillor and the former chief of Pimicikamak Cree Nation (also known as Cross Lake).
Every time a woman is elected to office, every time she has the opportunity advocate for and advance the priorities of her people, she shows others what they can do. This is an important message to show to communities, Elders, youth, and those who are vulnerable.
Merrick says her priorities are addressing violence in First Nations, seeking justice for missing and murdered Indigenous people, and ensuring Elders have they support they need. We look forward to she her advancing these important causes.
Merrick will serve as Grand Chief until July 2024.