Treaty Recognition Week: Day 3
- Published - 25/05/2023
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- Posted By - OTC
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This week we are recognizing the importance of Treaties in Saskatchewan and each day we are walking you through the Treaty timeline: Before Treaty; At Treaty; After Treaty; and Today.
After Treaties were signed, the Spirit and Intent of them were not honoured and we saw the creation of the Indian Act, the Indian Residential School system, and other breaches.
Treaty Commissioner Mary Musqua-Culbertson speaks about what happened after the Treaties were signed in this video.
We also have messages from the students of Grade 5 Class at École Lumsden Elementary
We have resources for students in:
Primary Grades
Phyllis’s Orange Shirt
Middle Grades
My Suitcase by Nii Sookayasas
Stolen Words by Melanie Florence
Secondary Grades
Indian Act video
Phyllis Webstad - On Orange Shirt Day
and the General Public
Murray Sinclair’s response to “Why don’t people just get over it?”