Vital Signs report uses Reconciliation Saskatoon model of community building
- Published - 20/11/2017
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- Posted By - OTC
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The Office of the Treaty Commissioner welcomes the release of the Saskatoon Community Foundation Vital Signs 2017.
The annual report shows a snapshot of data on the community of Saskatoon and the research for this year’s document was inspired by Reconciliation Saskatoon’s work and Vision of Reconciliation.
“Growing participation in community events such as the Rock Your Roots, Walk for Reconciliation shows that the people of Saskatoon have an appetite for learning and understanding our shared history,” Saskatoon Community Foundation executive director, Carm Michalenko, said in a release.
Some of the highlights of the 2017 report shows that people have greater awareness of environmental issues, and while charitable giving in the city has declined, Saskatoon is more generous than the Canadian average.
Vital signs reports are part of a movement to create a more inclusive, sustainable and stronger community.
The whole report is available here