We Are All Treaty People

Wear red in honour of MMIW

  • Published - 04/05/2017
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  • Posted By - OTC
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To raise awareness of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, people are asked to wear red or to hang a red dress in a public place on May 5.

“The red dress has become a symbol for the thousands of Indigenous women who have gone missing or been murdered in Canada over the years. Often the suspicious circumstances of their disappearance or death remains uninvestigated by police,” said a release from the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations.

By wearing red, it acknowledges that those who have gone missing or have suffered a violent death are still in the hearts of people who knew them, said FSIN chief Bobby Cameron.

Read more about the beginning of Red Dress Day: Red Dresses Draw Attention To Canada's Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women

The Red Dress Project is online here and on Facebook.