We Are All Treaty People

Chante Speidel

Han mitakuyape,anpetu wasté Cante mawastè na napeciyuzape. Wasicu caje mitawa Chante Speidel. Hello my friends and relatives, I greet you with a good heart and shake your hand.

My English name is Chante Speidel. I am from the treaty four territory Sapotaweyak Cree nation and Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in South Dakota. I currently reside in WaPaHa Ska Oyate- Whitecap Dakota Nation working in the community with recreation programming. I am a student in the Indian Teacher Education Program at the University of Saskatchewan. I pride myself on youth advocacy and sharing my voice to raise awareness for missing and murdered Indigenous People. Public speaking started for me in 2017 when I became Miss Manito Ahbee Youth Ambassador since then I have created relationships with organizations and even developed my own to carry on the message.

My work with the Office of the Treaty Commissioner started in 2018 when I become a member of the Youth in Service, it is an honour to now be on the Speakers Bureau. 


Missing and Murdered Indigenous Woman and Girls 

Youth Advocacy and Leadership 

Indigenous Culture: Womenhood, Worldview, Language and Ceremony 

