We Are All Treaty People

The Land Is Everything
The Land Is Everything

Treaty Land Entitlement

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First Nations are the original inhabitants of Canada. For thousands of years before people came from Europe or Britain and before anyone thought of this part of the world as Canada, First Nations occupied this land. From first contact the First Nations and those who came later to this land have had to find ways to live together. The Treaties played a pivotal role in providing a peaceful means for newcomers and First Nations to live in harmony, both historically and today.

The Treaties were of enormous benefit to the people of what would later become Saskatchewan and continue to be of benefit today as they allowed the peaceful settlement and use of First Nations lands.  However, the British and later Canadian Governments did not only have practical and policy reason for entering Treaties with First Nations. They also had to consider their own laws that recognized the rights of the First Nations and accepted that the Treaties were legitimate way of dealing with those rights.

Media Book
Author Edited by Tasha Hubbard & Marilyn Poitras
Publisher Office of the Treaty Commissioner