The OTC has a number of resources available to groups and individuals looking to learn and educate. Find them below or use the menu on the side to filter your search.
Statement of Treaty Issues
Treaties as a Bridge to the Future
$17.00 add to cart -
Little Pine and Lucky Man
A History 1866-1885
$7.00 add to cart -
Treaty Promises, Indian Reality
Life on a Reserve
$17.00 add to cart -
100 years for a Saskatchewan First Nation
$7.00 add to cart -
In Their Own Land
Treaty Ten and the Canoe Lake, Clear Lake, and English River Bands
$12.00 add to cart -
People of the Buffalo
How the Plains Indians Lived
$16.00 add to cart -
...And They Told Us Their Stories. A Book of Indian Stories
$12.00 add to cart -
The Learning Circle
Classroom Activities on First Nations in Canada – Ages 4 to 7
$0 add to cart -
The Learning Circle
Classroom Activities on First Nations in Canada – Ages 8 to 11
$0 add to cart -
The Learning Circle
Classroom Activities on First Nations in Canada – Ages 12 to 14
$0 add to cart -
The Learning Circle
Five Voices of Aboriginal Youth in Canada – A Learning Resource for Ages 14 to 16
$0 add to cart -
The Land Is Everything
Treaty Land Entitlement
$20.00 add to cart -
Reconciliation White Board
To me, reconciliation is... (8.5x11)
Reconciliation White Board
To me, reconciliation is... (11x17)
Treaty Boundaries Map for Canada
Treaty Boundaries Map for Saskatchewan
First Nations of Saskatchewan (Language/Dialect Groups)
First Nations Historical Worldview
12 inch Plastic Treaty 4 Medal Replica
$25.00 add to cart -
12 inch Plastic Treaty 5 Medal Replica
$25.00 add to cart -
12 inch Plastic Treaty 6 Medal Replica
$25.00 add to cart -
12 inch Plastic Treaty 8 Medal Replica
$25.00 add to cart -
12 inch Plastic Treaty 10 Medal Replica
$25.00 add to cart -
Wahpeton Dakota Nation
The Story of the Dakota Oyate in Canada
$10.00 add to cart -
The Story of the Dakota Oyate and the People of Standing Buffalo
$10.00 add to cart -
Treaty Essential Learnings: We are all Treaty People
$10.00 add to cart -
Making the Connection
Cree First Nations Kehte-ayak Thoughts on Education
$14.00 add to cart -
WA PA HA SKA: Whitecap Dakota First Nation
$10.00 add to cart -
Allen Sapp Art:
Through The Eyes of the Cree and Beyond
$5.00 add to cart -
Treaty Video Library
$5.00 add to cart -
Treaty Video Library II
$5.00 add to cart -
We Answered the Call
A History of the Saskatchewan First Nations' Contribution to Canada's Freedom and Democracy
$8.00 add to cart -
From Dream to Reality
$12.00 add to cart -
Set of Treaty Posters -- 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10
$10.00 add to cart -
Since Time Immemorial
A Treaty Resource Guide for Kindergarten
$12.00 add to cart -
The Lifestyles of First Nations Peoples Before and After the Arrival of the Newcomers
A Treaty Resource Guide for Grade 1
$12.00 add to cart -
The Numbered Treaties in Saskatchewan
A Treaty Resource Guide For Grade 2
$12.00 add to cart -
The First Nations and the Newcomers Settle In What Is Now Known as Saskatchewan
A Treaty Resource Guide for Guide 3
$12.00 add to cart -
The Indian Act of 1876 Was Not Part of Treaty
A Treaty Resource Guide for Grade 4
$12.00 add to cart -
The First Nations Struggle to be Recognized
A Treaty Resource Guide for Grade 5
$12.00 add to cart -
Revival of the Treaty Relationship: Living in Harmony
A Treaty Resource Guide for Grade 6
$12.00 add to cart -
Photocopy Versions of Treaties 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10
Set of five
$10.00 add to cart -
In Flanders Fields - Cree Translation
In Flanders Fields - Dene Translation
Office of the Treaty Commissioner Memorandum of Agreement
ayisinowak: A Communications Guide
Youth Speak Report
Vision of Reconciliation in Saskatchewan
FNMI Online Resources
Map of the First Peoples of North America.
First Nations Historical Worldview
Treaty Timeline
Rock Your Roots Walk for Reconciliation Survey Report
Tell our Stories Campaign
Reconciliation Factsheet
Head, Heart Hand
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Implications for the Legal Profession
Treaty Commissioner Statement on Hate Speech Online
Treaty 10 Flag Rationale
Protocols for the Treaty 4 Song
2019 Rock Your Roots Report
2019 General Population Survey: Results from a Saskatchewan-based Survey on Attitudes Toward Reconciliation
Technical Report
Saskatchewan's Public Opinion on Reconciliation
Results from a 2019 Public Survey
Youth – Moving Saskatchewan Towards Reconciliation
Registration Form
Indigenous Engagement Charter
A Vision for Truth and Reconciliation through Treaty Implementation - Cree Version
The Red Dress Project
Window Art - Honouring MMIW
posakanaciwiyiniwak: nitaskinan
The Touchwood Hills People: Our Land
$20.00 add to cart -
Pimatisiwin Wawiyekamaw
A History of Jacob Bear and the Round Lake Mission
$20.00 add to cart -
No Surrender: The Land Remains Indigenous
$19.00 add to cart -
Office of the Treaty Commissioner’s Recommended Readings on Residential Schools
Resources for Residential School Survivors and their Families
Media Stereotypes
The Seven Grandfathers - Sacred Teachings
The Depletion of the Bison
Canada’s ‘Nice’ Identity
Complicating the idea of Canada
Residential Schools
Busting myths and misconceptions
Treaty 4 Timeline
Elementary Treaty Resource Kit
Set of 19 resources
$212.00 add to cart -
Teaching Treaties in the Classroom
Grades 7 - 12
$50.00 add to cart -
Secondary Treaty Resource Kit
Set of 27 resources
$330.00 add to cart -
Digital Version: Teaching Treaties in the Classroom
Grades 7 - 12
$15.00 add to cart -
Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan
Our Dream is that Our Peoples Will One Day be Clearly Recognized As Nations
$23.00 add to cart -
Teaching Treaties in the Classroom
Grades K - 6
$93.00 add to cart -
Digital Version: Teaching Treaties in the Classroom
Grades K - 6
$15.00 add to cart -
Les Traités Guide D’Étude de La Maternelle
$0 add to cart -
Les Traités Guide D’Étude de La 3e Année
$0 add to cart -
Les Traités Guide D’Étude de La 1re Année
$0 add to cart -
Les Traités Guide D’Étude de La 2e Année
Les Traités Guide D’Étude de La 4e Année
$0 add to cart -
Les Traités Guide D’Étude de La 5e Année
$0 add to cart -
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - 1re année
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - 2e année
Les Traités Guide D’Étude de La 6e Année
$0 add to cart -
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - 3e année
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - 4e année
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - 5e année
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - 6e année
Les Traités
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - 7e année
Enseignements Essentiels à Propos des Traités
Les Traités Nous Touchent Tous
$0 add to cart -
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - 8e année
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - 9e année
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - Aperçu général
Ressource sur l’ étude des traités - Maternelle